
We currently support these organisations and companies.


Bildungsprofis promote the education of socially disadvantaged people who are unable to enter the labour market on their own and who are qualified to take up education or enter a healthcare profession. On the basis of a reformed pedagogic support concept, nursing education is made accessible and viable for people who have sufficient potential for a nursing career but cannot find a place in the current system.

Chancen eG

Chancen eG enables equal opportunities and income-independent education financing via the solidarity model of the reverse generational contract. Students receive financing of their education expenses and pay back a percentage of their income after they graduate. This means they avoid the risk of being overindebted later on.


Cleverly is an innovative online tutoring and mentoring service. It helps children and young people to achieve their full potential. The main focus is on preparing them for life. Cleverly pursues a holistic approach to learning: tutors support the development of subject specialist knowledge, while mentors help with their personal development.

Heimathafen (Founders Hub):

Heimathafen is a central point of contact in the start-up ecosystem in Wiesbaden, Rheingau-Taunus & Rhine-Main. The vision is to create a support network for innovative, high-growth business models and to develop and expand services for founders and start-ups, particularly in the impact sector. At Heimathafen Founders Hub, founders immerse themselves in a vibrant community and connect to a network that is actively developed together with many other ecosystem players.


Kreatives Unternehmertum is an organisation that deals with forward-looking entrepreneurship at the interface between people, the market and society.
Within the framework of non-profit educational formats, research projects and scholarship programmes, people and companies are inspired and accompanied in the unfolding of holistic entrepreneurship.

Maple Tales

Maple Tales motivates children to read through personalised and interactive reading and learning opportunities and supports learning processes. The offering includes a reading promotion app for children that combines gamification, decision-based stories and reading aids. Maple Tales also offers reading analysis software for schools and a white-labelled solution for language schools. These tools inspire a love of reading, promote language learning and strengthen educational success.

Maple Tales Produktbild Maple Tales - Deine interaktive Lesewelt


MentorMe is the largest and fastest growing mentoring community for women in German-speaking countries. With 1:1 mentoring and more than 220 annual events and trainings, MentorMe supports women to orientate, develop and position themselves professionally. MentorMe has a special focus on structurally disadvantaged women, such as mothers, women of colour, job seekers, women with disabilities and refugees.


Nidisi provides women in Nepal with access to affordable, biodegradable menstrual products, is committed to women’s rights and raises awareness of menstrual health management. As such, women can live without discrimination and social exclusion and are empowered to live their lives in independence, self-determination and with freedom of choice.


Due to teacher illness and in-service training alone, approximately 1 million lessons are cancelled each week at German schools or are substituted by external teachers. OVS provides schools with complete, curriculum-compliant, digital lessons. The online lessons can be used whenever a subject teacher is absent at short notice or planned, or when lessons cannot take place as usual due to school closures. OVS covers the entire physics curriculum (grades 5-10), with other STEM subjects to follow shortly.


Pflegewächter supports individuals in need of care and their families navigating through the German bureaucracy for care insurance claims. With an easy-to-understand questionnaire, the platform calculates the care degree and advises on the next steps. These benefits can be applied for directly online with the respective care insurance. Additionally, Pflegewächter offers a service for the legal enforcement of these claims: if individuals in need of care are dissatisfied with the classification by the insurance, an objection will be made in collaboration with partner lawyers.


Scobees is a digital learning system designed to implement individual learning processes in schools. Developed in collaboration with schools, Scobees enables digital organization for self-directed learning of students. They learn independently and self-organized with Scobees. Teachers can more easily recognize individual strengths and unfold potentials.

Scobees offers schools a holistic solution to address the heterogeneity in learning and to enable equal learning opportunities for all.


Uncap offers innovative, automated and impartial financing for start-up companies in Africa. Company founders and entrepreneurs gain access to funds regardless of their gender, educational background or location, so they can bring their innovative business ideas to fruition and create jobs.

WASH United

WASH United conducts education and campaign work focusing on menstrual hygiene and human rights to water and sanitation. In addition to organising the global Menstrual Hygiene Day, WASH United focuses on developing and disseminating low-cost, scalable menstrual hygiene education solutions in Africa and South Asia.

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